by admin

Why this site?

  1. Once you have created an account and gotten it approved, you can login (there’s multiple login boxes around most of the pages, plus the actual login/register page
  2. and then use the Contribute / Add New Post menu to submit a new post. 
  3. The important parts are: you need a reasonably compact title; 
  4. the YEAR and CREATOR if you’re uploading content and know when it was — for photos it should be the year/date of when it’s taken and the photographer, for audio it should be the date, 
  5. and then depending on the type of material you’re submitting, either upload images / audio with the “Add Media” button, 
  6. and/or link to the video if you are adding a video, 
  7. or write something if you’re just contributing your memories or some text. 
  8. Very important: please use the categories to submit at least the content type Photo/Audio/Video/Memories, and pick a decade. This will help everyone immensely in organizing the material. 
  9. Then submit the post, and sometime later an editor will go through it, possibly change a few things and add/modify tags, then it’ll show up!